Leaving Queenstown to Te Anau of Fiordland, which is another world natural herritage...
The day isnt good with mist... These scene seem bit blue... maybe Autumn isnt a good season for people who feel blue...

Is like another scene in LORT, where Frodo hiding from ghost rider...

We stayed at national park backpacker at Te Anau, gate to Milford Sound... That guy was so excited and just hop into our photo....

Native bird in NZ, it doesn't afraid of camera, which causing a lot pictures can be easily found online.

We were heading Milford Sound, it was a mist day... and i was wearing rain coat... Those who drive are reminded to have full tank of gasoline... cause you won't see any station along the way to Milford Sound, which is windy, bit dangerous, a lot cliff, and is closed for some season...

Arriving Milford Sound, the landscape was awesome... weather that time was mist, cloud was very unstable... which make us taken various color of photo in same spot... On my third day of working after the trip, i post this photo to company photo contest and selected into the consolation list... nothing much rewarded... just some opportunity to share...

One of the peak in action was Mitre Peak... i visited some gallery and found many photographer actually spend some time here for some great result...

Another view with mixture of bright... i was amazed to see the changes happen live...

I couldn't stop myself from shooting here...

I could not find any other way to put NZ in word.... Pretty, amazing, superb, fantastic etc is not enough for me... Can i put all this in camera? Sound a bit greedy, but is photo enough for sharing? Lake and another lake, cliff and another cliff, mountain, hill, flat land... i feel bit over... because i can't have any other new expression to show my excitement.... Spot and spot... and i afraid i have been poisoned totally....
[This is part of the
New Zealand Working Holiday] or [Where in the
Route of New Zealand Map]
i can still remember photo #6 is 得奖之作 ler ^_^
very nice scenary, especially when the sunlight get through the clouds...
Maybe i shall put ink mark across "what what award winner" hehe... This nice scene is perfect that you don't need much effect or advance gear or feature to make it look nice....
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