When we prepare to depart again, that 2 ladies went to opposite direction, i told them not going to make it... but they seem optimistic and resume... well... not sure i'm gentlement or caring or coward... i follow them... They say Picton not getting dark so early...
On the way back, day getting dark that we couldnt see the way in the forest, 2 ladies start to mention they forgot to bring torch light... and bring out their handphone... light of the screen somehow help a litter bit... but that hp is enviromental friendly that wont always turn the light... we really move slowly in a dark forest walk way... fortunately i realize my camera have wider LCD compare to hp, i use that lighten our way, just good enough for 3 opf us, we spend more than hour going back to the point we stop... that is open air that light of moon still lighten the way... and we arrive the a junction where turn left is another bush we crossing when we come....what came across my mind the the ice i saw just now... another way doesnt explore by any of us... i just remember that should be a beach, but not sure how far our location from the beach and the condition...
While deciding, battery of my camera running low and getting cold... i suggest to take right turn to beach... at least beach should be easier for walking in dark, and i just pray my battery able cover me crossing the bush to the beach... and we begin....
Bush walk isnt so long... although some of us fell few times until touch down to the beach... wow... my battery run out but still release worry in our mind... because beach doesnt in dark as the habour near was so bright... although tired and cold... but we know we going to make it...
Upon reaching back to the town, my first thought was what to eat rushing back to backpackers for dinner and warm... But 2 ladies invite to join their dinner in a restaurant, i just think not too bad, i never have any meal in the restaurant in NZ yet so far... but i only have few dolar in my wallet... so i just order seafood chowder and garlic bread that seem to be within my budget...
After all our order been serve... they add some order... nothing much i can do but pretending dont know, i feel touch when they say is order for me and they will treat me... and i start to enjoy the food, this my first trial on western style of seafood... order list is... seafood chowder, seafood flitter, white bait fried with egg, scallop, garlic bread.... and i love seafood chowder so much...I cant remember their name... but they came from Xin Jiang and Kuang Zhou...
Today is a long day, this morning departing from Willington and having a tough wake just now... laying on the bed... i suspect i'm going to sick...
[This is part of the New Zealand Working Holiday] or [Where in the Route of New Zealand Map]
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