After reach there, 4 hunting dogs ready as well, 2 of them wearing some kind of signal transmiter, after that, they rush to wild boar track to start searching, another 2 dogs follow Anson, when those dog found wild boar, they will surround victim and bark, until Anson reach there and "bang"... Anson havean antena, to know direction of dog, off course, sound of bark make the direction more precise.
From parking location, Christ and i tramp to hill top, here isnt forest, more as native bush, walking on hill top make me feel like a scene in LOTR where Aragon running in hill top chasing someone...I can see bay on both side of hill, other hill, and other sound. Upon reaching peak of hill, we walk into bush, or walking downhill, slope walk in almost 90 degree, so most of the time i just grap on some grass, and step on another grass, then go, those plant in bush is hard in compact.
While proceeding, height of bush become higher and higher compare me, untill...i can not see daylight anymore... i'm deep into bush.... high density bush, at this time, i really walk out my own walkway, Anson? He is on his walkway, following walkway of wild boar,again, he seem relax as normal walking, he is 19 years old, and grow up here...How about Christ? He is complaining, he want to go back, he feel suffering, and me too, so we walk toward tar road beside the native bush.
Around 4pm, we leave those teribble bush, without any wild boar, Anson heading to another bay to re-call back all his dog, but Christ not following and he walk back to car park, for me, i curius about the bay, so i follow Anson. Half way back from bay, Anson heard barking of hunting dog, he ask me to follow him and he rush into the bush again....oh!!
I follow as well!!This time he walk faster, up hill, and my sport shoe doesnt suit the condition, so i keep onfalling... yet need to follow Anson, he always say "we are close!!", and brief me, "when i start to shoot,you help me to whole bullet!!" i'm nervius, plus some exciting... But at the same time, i notice weare tramping randomly, far and far away from road...
After some time, the day getting dark, we cant go downhill anymore, is very hard to walk in bush without view, so we need to tramp uphill, as we can only see peak now, but is really far away...i wish to sit down, and take a nap...We hear no any sound of bark, we lost track on wild boar, and day is dark now, i cant see anything in bush now...
As per plan, we heading peak which is the only things i can see other than star...In dark, i simply grap anything i can, and moving up and up, and follow Anson, i have torch light in my pocket, which brought as i wake up very early in morning, but my hand not free for that,i can only follow light of Anson, after some time i bring out my torch, and use my mouth to hold Anson can concentrate on walkway in front, but he pace up, i really doesnt mean to let him pace up whereby i need to pace up as well.... i'm so tire...
We stop for a rest, i can see Anson is tired this time, but i think he intend to let me rest, for longer journey... Sitting on glass, looking at wide sky, sparkling star, i wish to sleep... but when my body cool down, i feel cold, tire and cold, i doesnt want to move.... suddently one thought cross my mind, will i die here?
"Lets go!!" Anson initiave the move, i know cold will get me off if i didnt warm up my body now...At last, we reach back to hill top, and we follow the post along the way as where we came across few hours ago...Anson moving fast, he expect me to reconize the way back, plus my hand is free to hold the torch now...Physically, hill top of have strong wind due to different pressure, plus the cold wind reallycreate a lot friction for my walk, luckily i'm not too light, and my body is warm... even i just wearing a t-shirt...
8pm, reach back to car, Christ sleeping there, all dogs also back, "let's go back for dinner!!"Yes, today we all didnt have lunch.... what a long long day...
[This is part of the New Zealand Working Holiday] or [Where in the Route of New Zealand Map]
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