Now i experience cowboy, a boy who herbing cattle, sheep as well, which shall be a easy job as cattle and sheep afraid of us, a hand waive or shout is good enough... However, daily farm here attached with few block of hill, to after them, you need to surf through those hill as well... or i shall say climbing...
In my mind, typical cowboy riding with horse, or modenize one with motor... but i miss out the basic one...

What motivating me is the fresh and breathtaking view accompany me while herbing...Back to work, our team have 4 person, Tim, Anson and Christ at bottom hill for majority of cow, i travelling around hill top for that three fat fat cow, for me is in deep shit, mentally and physically, i step on unlimited dump of shitS, and i fall down once where my face is justfew inch from one big big shit.... Tim and Anson seem relax walking around... but Christ have a same difficult experience like me, After work, i ask him, "how is it?" Without any eye contact, i heard "not good"... hehe...
[This is part of the
New Zealand Working Holiday] or [Where in the
Route of New Zealand Map]
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