AT&T Stadium
San Francisco is home for Giants Baseball Team at AT&T Stadium, near to bay and Bay Bridge, this is a new stadium with nice view, as the statium designed to face bay area, you can see a wide sky with blue water... Watch the match while enjoy the scenic view... not bad huh...

The game started at 1pm, but during 1.05pm, i still eat pizza outside of stadium, i can see a lot fan still standing outside of stadium, that event seem like more as a gathering, everyone just hanging around, relax and easy... along the way when we goto search for our seat, we can see a lot people moving around, to buy something from stall, and moving, i really don't some of them is moving to where, maybe is like me, come in late and look for right location... maybe we from Malaysia so use to make it on time for any match, concert or movie which required ticket, those fans seem like take is easy to miss the openning of the game. As well they are different with soccer fans from what i watch in TV... Baseball match really seem like family game... relax, easy and enjoy... but the day is bit too warm.... hehe...

Match today is San Francisco Giants against Cincinnati The Red... thanks to my S3IS which can zoom 12x, for me able to capture those action moment of the players... I don't know their name, but i know who is playing well... No8 hit a superb home run to the bay area!!!
Those baseball player is also summer plus sunny boy... as the league started during summer, and you can always see their sunny view under the sun... Cool...

[This is part of California Experience]
1 comment:
so so so many ppl watched... wah.
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